
edward-edwards-1955This is a site about Edward Wayne Edwards, the convicted serial killer. In particular it argues Edwards murdered Elizabeth Short (Black Dahlia) in 1947, was the Zodiac Killer, murdered Teresa Halbach and planted the remains of Laci Peterson on the shore of San Francisco Bay in April 2003.

Margot Burns who met Edwards in 1971 and Margene Morrison have supplied additional information to me,  including confessions by Edwards to multiple murders.

An important source is the book John Cameron wrote about Edwards, published in 2014 “It’s Me, Edward Wayne Edwards, The Serial Killer you Never Heard Of”.

This site is not comprehensive, it is intended to give an overview of Edwards. The emphasis here is on wrongful convictions, and some of the most crucial evidence linking Edwards to these murders.

The Timeline page gives a list of events linked to Edwards, ordered by date. The Relations page lists Edwards’ relatives, several of whom were interviewed by Cameron during the 3 year investigation he undertook.

Wayne Edwards: “Do you think your Dad was the Zodiac Killer. April Edwards: “I do”.

Next: Summary

“Ed liked killing people. He enjoyed it” — Jeanette White, January 2011

6 thoughts on “About”

  1. I’m currently reading “It’s Me”. Could Edwards be responsible for the Grimes sisters murders in Chicago 1956? There are similarities in the deaths of the boys in Robinson Woods a year prior. Maybe I will find out as I read on but ‘Grimes’ in the index.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The case is new to me, I had a quick look at the wikipedia article. I don’t see anything specific about the case that would suggest it was Edwards.


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